니어베베 - Nearbebe
NearBeBe Protect the Value of Precious
We dream of a society where families and neighbors enjoy a healthy and happy life and coexist under our motto of protecting the value of precious life. This starts with users’ daily experience based on NearBeBe’s unique smart care system.
Protect the Value
of Precious Life
We dream of a society where families and neighbors enjoy a healthy and happy life and coexist under our motto of protecting the value of precious life. This starts with users’ daily experience based on NearBeBe’s unique smart care system.
We pursue a future society based on the importance of life and make tomorrow better than today
We pursue a future society based on the importance of life and make tomorrow better than today
As an IoT solution company, NearBeBe will change and grow following the changing environment every day. The moment you need care in daily life, NearBeBe will be there for you.
Core Value
Responsible Business
Become a company that customers trust with the belief
and responsibility of making products for my family
Pursuit of Coexistence
Propose a way for a healthy life
and build a society where everybody lives well together
Respect for Life
Every life is equal and important
Behavior Principle
Corporate Identity
Near BeBe’s symbol embodies ‘a guardian holding a baby,’ representing a mother’s heart who takes care of her baby anywhere and anytime. NearBeBe’s C.I conveys the value of humanity as not only its lexical meaning, but also a combination of family, love, and care.